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st john baptist de la salle

Patron Saint of Teachers
Born April 30, 1651, Reims, France,
Died April 7, 1719, Saint-Yon, Rouen, France
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church
Beatified February 19, 1888
Canonized May 24, 1900 by Pope Leo XIII
Major shrine Sanctuary of John Baptist de La Salle, Casa Generalizia, Rome, Italy.
Feast Church: April 7, Lasallian Institutions: May 15
Attributes stretched right arm with finger pointing up, instructing two children standing near him, books
Patronage Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, Lasallian educational institutions, educators, school principals, teachers


Common Good - zealous regard for the welfare of others; places welfare of others above personal welfare.

Honesty- seeks and uphold the truth and is always sincere and of pure intentions.

- not only honest but is perceived to be so; is just fair; uncompromising
commands and earn respect.

- earns one's spurs through hardwork and diligence.

Excellence - outstanding in his/her field of endeavor

- committed to work for others, with love humility and risk.